Mar 2024

RDG Siren

Typeface Design / Screen Printing / Illustration


After being asked to re-contextualise chapter 11 of ‘Ulysses’, I responded by designing a font and poster design.

Final Font

A playful and decorative typeface.

I sketched letterforms using blank sheet music as a grid system. Some featured alternate characters.

I illustrated, designed and printed a series of posters starting with an Exquisite Corpse exercise. I focused on typesetting, enjoying the process of kerning and creating ligatures. Here are my final outcomes with the printed text layer.

Screen Printed Posters

Collaborative Activity & My Response

My final exquisite corpse image to re-interpret - the head was my section.

Screen print positives illustrated using Procreate.

First four layers of my print, making up my character.


I'm Balanced - Online Event - Webpage Design / Motion Graphics / Marketing